Student Loans Consolidation : A Convenient And Beneficial Option To Reduce Debt

Student Loans Consolidation : A Convenient And Beneficial Option To Reduce Debt

Student loans consolidation is a concept which is designed to help students repay their multiple debts they have taken during studies. Most students land into deep debt and have problem managing various debts as well as face financial difficulties in making the monthly payments. The solution of these problems is student debt consolidation, here all your outstanding debts are merged into one loan with just one payment to make every month. This new loan is offered at a lower and fixed rate of interest, lower monthly payments, various payment options and longer tenures.

Why Consolidate

This type of consolidation offers various benefits. The rate of interest is lower than all your consolidation and thus you pay lower monthly payments. The interest rates are locked, therefore it is shielded from the inflation rates. You get a flexible repayment options and no fees, charges or penalties. Also there are no credit checks and co signers required.

Your monthly payments could be lowered by around 54%. You typically have 10 years to repay, but in student loans consolidation the tenure can be extended to up to 30 years.

You will have to be eligible to get the student federal loan consolidation. Some criteria to be fulfilled are, you must be in the six month grace period after completing studies, after which the repayments start. The other case is that you have started paying the installments already. Then, your total loans outstanding must be at least $ 7500. You have taken loan from different lenders and you can consolidate your loan just once.

Which Loans Are Eligible

There are also certain options that can be consolidated under the student loans consolidation programs:

Federal Subsidized And Unsubsidized Stafford Loans
Federal Consolidation Loans
Guaranteed Student loans
Federal Perkin Loans
Auxiliary Loans To Assist Students
Health Education Assistance Loans
Loans For Disadvantaged Students

You can get them from any bank or financial institution which participates in the Federal Family Education Loan program. The student debt consolidation loan term and conditions should be verified with your lender. The interest rate offered is generally the same by all the lenders but some lenders also offer future discounts if your repayment record is good and also discounts if your monthly payment is to be debited directly from your bank account.

The whole process of student federal loan consolidation usually takes 30 to 45 days. It is the best way to manage your financial responsibilities after college. Your multiple debts will be turned into one loan with just one payment to make every month. The student loans consolidation will be convenient for you and because of the lower interest rates, it will be financially beneficial too.

Student loans consolidation helps student combine multiple loans into one. There are certain criteria to apply for a student debt consolidation loan which can be consolidated under student Federal loan consolidation option.