Category Archives: Loan Repayment

Everything About Pay day Loan And Its Functions

Everything About Pay day Loan And Its Functions Payday loans are short term loans in little amounts that typically have a set repayment time, typically two weeks to 30 days or upon the next pay-day. Typically a pay day lender

Bad Credit Car Loan At A Low Interest Rate

Bad Credit Car Loan At A Low Interest Rate Having a poor credit history is one of the things that may hinder someone from getting a loan easily. Today, there are many dealers and lenders who are willing to give

Student Loan Forgiveness: 3 Critical Factors

Student Loan Forgiveness: 3 Critical Factors Student loan forgiveness has become widespread and very valuable to grads. Coast to coast more programs have sprung up for many fields. Learn the 3 most critical factors of forgiveness below. Repayment Assistance: How

The importance of using an EMI calculator when applying for a personal loan

The importance of using an EMI calculator when applying for a personal loan Before one applies for a personal loan, there are several factors that one needs to prepare for. The most important part of any loan process is the

How to Get the Best Deal with Advance Payday Loan

How to Get the Best Deal with Advance Payday Loan The Payday loan is very famous as advance cash. This is the short-term loan that is provided against your next paycheck and mostly expected to cover financial emergencies. Basically, these

Student Loan Rates To Rise July 1 2007

Student Loan Rates To Rise July 1 2007 As of July 1st, 2007, the interest rates on student loans are scheduled to increase. Although less than one percent, the resulting repayment amount can rise significantly over the life of the

Healthy Financial Choices For Education Loan Borrowers

Healthy Financial Choices For Education Loan Borrowers Numerous private and public lending organizations offer different types of student loans. Whether it is an interest-free education loan or high-interest one, you need to remain straight and narrow in your 20s. It

What is the Need for Loan Restructuring?

What is the Need for Loan Restructuring? When availing a loan we make provisions for repayment based on our income. However, many a times our income takes a hit and then our calculations misfire. Our loan repayments pile up and

What are the various factors to keep in mind while applying for an education loan?

What are the various factors to keep in mind while applying for an education loan? Several students, after completing their basic education, wish to pursue their higher education with a university locally or abroad. While this might be large dream

Average College Debt Is $24,000 – Student Education Loan

Average College Debt Is ,000 – Student Education Loan Research conducted by student loan company Sallie Mae shows that in 2010, about 5 percent of college students paid an average of more than $ 2,000 in tuition and other educational