Tag Archives: Rate

Advantages and Disadvantages of Fixed and Variable Interest Rate Home Mortgage Loans

Advantages and Disadvantages of Fixed and Variable Interest Rate Home Mortgage Loans One of the most expensive financial investments that most people make in their lifetime is for sure a home mortgage loan. Deciding which loan is the best for

Factors That Affect Your Interest Rate

Factors That Affect Your Interest Rate Numerous factors come into play when determining the interest rate you’ll pay on a home loan. Downpayment The higher the percentage of the purchase price that you can afford to make as a down

Could You Get A Lower Interest Rate?

Could You Get A Lower Interest Rate? If you obtained a loan such as a car loan, unsecured personal loan or a mortgage when the interest rates were high you may now be able to get a lower interest rate.

How Banks Mitigate Risk Of A Loan By Using An Interest Rate Hedge

How Banks Mitigate Risk Of A Loan By Using An Interest Rate Hedge Financial organizations such as banks that regularly make loans to customers can have exposure to risk from modifications to interest rates. Anytime an interest rate floats or

The Interest Rate Determinants of a Common Personal Loan

The Interest Rate Determinants of a Common Personal Loan Are you short of funds? Do you want to apply for a personal loan, but do not know how? Are you confused on what factors to consider before deciding which package

Home Loan Interest Rate Trends In India

Home Loan Interest Rate Trends In India This is a very generic housing finance topic. These trends about home loan rates, though applicable to entire housing finance industry, may or may affect a specific housing finance company’s decisions. So, take

Consolidation Loan Rate Student

Consolidation Loan Rate Student Unless it is a planned unemployment, in most cases it is difficult to predict how long the unemployment period will be stretched. Most people, who are overconfident of their ability to regain employment within a short

The Home Loan Interest Rate Trends In India

The Home Loan Interest Rate Trends In India To own a home is one of the most cherished dreams for most people in India. But, it is not an easy one. You need quite a lot of resources and willingness

Types of interest rate options offered to Home Loan applicants

Types of interest rate options offered to Home Loan applicants One can easily get a home loan now a days. However, when it comes to choosing the right rates for the loan, one needs to consider the various influential factors

Have you researched on your personal loan rate?

Have you researched on your personal loan rate? There comes a time in everyone’s life when you have to deal with a tough situation. Dealing smartly in a tough financial crisis could be a huge challenge. Luckily for us, there